Child Age | Max Child to Adult Ratio | Location |
Baby, 6 to 14 months | 3 to 1 | Hazelwood |
Kits, 14 months to 2 years | 5 to 1 | Hazelwood |
Pups, 2 to 3 years | 6 to 1 | Hazelwood |
Pre-school, 3 to 5 years | 8 to 1 | Hazelwood, Rockfield |
ECCE Only | 11 to 1 | Hazelwood, Rockfield |
After-school, 4 to 12 years | 10 to 1 | Rockfield |
We operate our services at the ratios in the table to the left. In the very unlikely event that we are unable to provide these ratios we reserve the right to close that area until statutory ratios can be resumed. These decisions are not made lightly and are governed by preschool policies and childcare regulations. The ratios quoted are government requirements but we strive to provide lower ratios in our Kits and Pups rooms.
Fees are based on a child attending 12 months of the year, 1 - 6 pm or 3 - 6pm, during term time and full days during normal school holidays, on their days of normal attendance. Any child who attends only for term time/10 months of the year will be charged extra for morning attendance during school holidays.
Currently we offer school collections from Ballinteer Educate Together, Taney Parish National School, Saint Olaf's National School. This list can and does change from year to year based on demand and school opening hours.
Places in Afterschool are offered based on availability of space in our company vehicles that collect from the schools. These vehicles are all insured to carry children, driven by our fully licensed drivers and appropriate booster seats and belts are always used. As part of their afternoon with Narnia, children will be offered a freshly cooked hot meal and sandwiches and drinks will be available.
Children are encouraged to do their homework whilst with us and are supervised and assisted in this. We do not force them to do homework or complete it for them. Homework runs from 13:45 to 16:30 only. If parents request we can encourage children to do homework before other activities but we have found having time to relax after coming in from school is beneficial to children.
Parents must give notice of places required for children moving from Pre-school to After-school.
As well as our usual term time attendance, we offer Easter and Summer camps. The camps are primarily intended for those children already attending Narnia but our Rockfield camps are open to any other children who may need a week or two of organized activities.